Remembering her 

Your pathway to building a life altar as magical as you
- and give you the tools to navigate unprecedented times

Imagine What It Would Be Like…

To wake up everyday feeling a sense of ease, connectedness, gratitude and an unwavering trust in life..

Even more so.. you get up with a sense of lightness & relief - as if a piece you didn’t know was missing, found its natural place within you.
You feel relaxed, spacious and connected to yourself and the world.
You feel like the sovereign of your own life, connected to an.. inner Knowing, a feeling of safety and wholeness - because you know exactly what to do when life gets intense and how to lean in - to your intuition, your truth and divine nature.

Your unique connection to the Earth, to the elements and your inner centre is exactly what will guide you there - and this is the space where you get to connect with exactly that.

the power of ritual, stillness and the courage to shine brighter in a disconnected world

returning to her

Are you a sensitive human no longer willing to hide your intuitive gifts in order to play the game of the numb?

This is it. You have heard the call and you have always known that shutting down your powers and intuitive gifts were not the way - but you’ve lived in a world that told you otherwise.
You’ve always longed to be able to move beyond the societal stories and limiting believes of being too much, too sensitive or a weirdo - but haven’t fully felt safe enough to let yourself explore?

Welcome dear one, I am so happy you have come.



✓  You want to live a life rooted in yourself, your truth, your sensitivity and your inherent connection with the Earth. 

✓  You are ready to open up to that which has been wronged, hid and shamed and desire to connect with like minded on the way.

✓  You want a mentor who has walked down this exact path before you and wants others to come with her - and will give you tools to step fully into that

✓  You are feeling disconnected and confused and desire support and weekly inspiration for you to reclaim your magic

It’s time to tear down the resistance to your power- and become the sovereign who is ready to command it

It has been a most mysterious path to reconnect with reverence to the Earth. It has felt wild, expansive and more sacred than any other medicine - and -like the most natural thing.
And the truth is - this is the human path. This is why we are here.
To let go of the illusion that we are separate - and fully embrace our full undiluted natural powers.

As above, so below. As within, so without.

This connection is what brought me back from burn out.
This connection is what allows me to trust in life.
It is what reminds me that I get to create a most magical life where I get to lead amazing human beings back to their essence, truth and highest potential.

This path is my life path - one that gets to grow and deepen with the wrinkles on my face.

It is the promise I am keep as I lead my business, guide my clients and live my life.
This is the kind of commitment and process I will guide you through in this intimate container.

I ask that you are willing to show up for the remembrance of HER and how she expresses uniquely within you.

This is a journey that goes way beyond moving from surviving- to thriving.
This is about choosing your connection to Her, to yourself and Life and allowing that to be an anchor and life alter for unprecedented times.

The moment you choose to walk this path, to commit to the unknown, to you and to Her - that is the moment She - chooses you too. 

This is

Your unique journey towards becoming the version of yourself who knows exactly the next steps to live fully & unapologetically from and in devotion to your intuition.
A journey where you’ve got the tools and know how to utilize them to create a more beautiful world for all.

This is you never wondering if you are crazy or doubting your gifts again.
This is the time where you get to rise into your leadership, wholeness and love for life
- connected to Her - the very essence from where your truth can blossom.

Thank you for being here, I am so honored to walk beside you


In this 4 week spacious ritual series, you get access to pre-recorded Modules on each element (EARTH, WATER, FIRE & AIR) - this is a space for you to connect with your inner elements and bring more of Her into your unique human life.
With each module you will receive a weekly transmission from Siri, journalling prompts and a Nature Ritual inspired by the element of the week.

Here is some things we will cover:

 ✓  Crafting your own altar and sacred space so you can create daily sacred space for yourself and your mission

✓  Written out powerful Nature rituals for you to deepen into the remembrance of Her embrace, regulating your nervous system and create SPACE for you

✓  Creating daily, ritual space so you can open up to your intuitive gifts

✓  4 live embodiment practices happening on Zoom with Siri and your community to hold, support and radically empower you and your journey

✓  Telegram chat so you can share your process, rituals, altar and prayers and be seen, celebrated and loved in a heart centered community

  • The flow of the sacred waters

    Learning how to connect with your inner waters //
    - Creating space to honor your emotions, - Connecting with your intuition, sensitivity

    Daily water ritual and connecting with the waters of the Earth

  • My body my earth

    A week of embodying, feeling, tending to your precious Earth temple.
    Learning to honor, trust and love your physical body, intentionally care for you material belongings and deepen into reverence for the ground you are walking.

  • The Fire Keeper

    By connecting with the element of Fire - your are invited to call forth your creative force, sexual energy, anger and fierce power
    How do you tend to your inner fire?
    What fuels your inner light?

    The alchemizing element of fire that both can burn us and ignite the spark of a new beginning

  • I am that I am - air

    Connecting with the element of air - our thoughts, mind, words and communication.
    How can we create our own reality with the words we speak, share, communicate and put into the universe?


Your investment


333 euros

First Wave discount! Use the promo code REMEMBER25 at the checkout

Key details

Program Start Date: February 17th

Live Embodiment Calls dates: 

Tuesday 18th February 10 - 11 am CET

Wednesday 26th February 10 - 11 am CET

Wednesday 5th March 10 - 11 am CET

Tuesday 11th March 10 - 11 am CET

What's included 

  • 4 Embodiment Sessions w Siri

  • 4 deep and powerful nature rituals

  • 4 modules based on each of the 4 elements

  • A Telegram Chat to connect, share and celebrate each other in community 

How does it work

  • 1

    Jump into the program now and start with setting up your ritual space and altar already now!

  • 2

    Show up to ongoing group calls, rituals and telegram support that are open for you during the 4 weeks together

  • 3

    Complete your rituals & practices for the week and follow the action steps outlined in each module and watch the magic unfold

hi, I’m siri


I am a somatic coach, healer, and soul-led entrepreneur. I create ritual healing spaces for those ready to alchemize their energy, emotions, and power—step into their authentic Truth and offer their highest service to the world.

My greatest joy is witnessing people like you walk the courageous path through the heart and body—learning to trust your humanness, your holiness and your Truth.

For the past decade, I have been reclaiming the parts of me the world told me to hide—my intuitive gifts, natural leadership, and my deep connection to my body and the Earth.

My path has been one of reclamation—of my life force energy, my sexual energy—through the sacred arts of Tantra and Taoism. By weaving these ancient wisdom traditions with modern, trauma-informed somatic healing and parts work, I have found the tools, practices, and skills to guide others home to the temple of their bodies, hearts, and souls.

My role is to ignite your healing journey by offering you a powerfully soft, safe and nourishing space—where you feel abundantly held and supported as you walk the courageous path of inner trust.

This is not a place where you will be told who you are or what to do. This is your reclamation, your remembrance, your path.

I am simply here to hold sacred space for you to feel safe enough to Remember.

If you have found your way here, I know you, too, are a Vessel for the emergence of the new.

Thank you for all that you already are.
Thank you for being here.

May you choose to trust your Truth and thrive.

In love,

Are you ready to fully embrace your magic?