Because you know there is more to life

Hi, I’m siri

I am a somatic sexuality coach, yoga teacher and artist

I love creating space for you to connect with yourself, your body and the present moment.

My concerts, coaching sessions and yoga classes are all an invitation for you to find your way back home. Finding home in your body, in the present moment and with your unique, vibrant truth.




SOMATIC Coaching

As a somatic sexuality coach I am devoted to bring people back into touch with their truth through the wisdom of their bodies.

I am not here to fix you, because nothing needs to be fixed. No matter what happened, whatever you might have heard, no matter what stories you might be telling yourself
- you, my dear, are not broken.

We live in a world that does its best to numb, distract and
pacify us and I believe you found your way here because you know that there must be more to life than this. Deep down, you know that you connecting with your body, pleasure, emotions and aliveness, is an act of rebellion and a necessity moving forward.

I am here to create a safe enough space for you to truly listen and learn how to decode the messages of your spectacular body.
What do you really want?

We live in a time of disconnection, distraction and over consumption. My work is to guide you back to you. So that you can reclaim your sovereign power and regain the choice over your own life

The world is ripe for change. And it starts with you and me taking a breath into our bodies. Listening for what is alive, processing, releasing and choosing to create a path that feels true to us. Remembering what we came here to do.
It’s starts within our bodies, right here, right now.

Welcome brave one, can’t wait to get to know your your unique, magnificent, awkward, fantastic self.

I am so glad you are here.

Ready to start living life from the inside out?

Intimate concerts

I have been working as a folk singer, storyteller & songwriter for the past decade. I love creating spaces for connection and allow my music to be a portal from which magic, beauty and rest can blossom.

I’ve released two albums and have been touring all over Europe playing smaller and bigger concerts.

Over the past years I’ve found myself preferring placing my music in the smaller and more intimate settings. I am in awe of the magic that happens to the space,, to us and the music when we allow ourselves to put down our guards and open to receive.

become a host

I am always curious to connect with people who’d like to co-create and make space for a intimate concert. I especially love playing in soulful places made for connection and community.

yoga as medicine

I’ve been working as a yoga teacher since 2020, and love guiding people home to their bodies, to the present moment and back in touch with life itself.

You might find me teaching a senior yoga course, an advanced flow morning class, host a meditation concert or facilitate womb circles

My classes are playful & filled with curiosity, warmth and full permission for you to come as you are. There is no specific way I want you to be, the most important thing is that you show up and tune in.

That is why I always feel happy when I look out on my students, seeing everybody doing different things. Then I know I’ve given enough permission to listen to their own needs, and that to me, is the practice and gift of yoga.

yoga & concert 

A 2 hour event where I mix my super powers in creating space for movement, rest, softness and connection.

The intention for the event is to invite the receiver into a different kind of listening experience, and make space for the music to move and connect us in a deeper way. 

Through the yoga class you’ll get the chance to regulate your nervous system, land in your body and calm your mind before entering a soulful Scandinavian folk concert.

some snippets from instagram