Embodied truth 

a 12 week transformative, inner journey to discover what your truth really feels like

  • Experience a 12 week devotional journey for your growth, expansion and power

  • Establish an intentional self pleasure practice

  • Learn and implement embodiment tools to help you embrace your authentic expression, aliveness and inner truth

  • Transform your relationship to your body, emotions and sexuality

  • Break free from social conditioning that block you for your life force energy

  • Come back home to you and take ownership over your life

  • Lean into an inspiring, intimate community with likeminded people to hold you accountable, inspired and commited

Finding it hard

to get out of

your head

and into your body?

First of all, you are not alone.
Disconnection is the epidemic of our time.

We live in a world that systematically does its best to numb, distract and disconnect us from our bodies, wisdom, intuition, sexuality, sensuality, pleasure and power. Disconnection is the epidemic of our time, and we see it everywhere.
And the worst part? Most are buying into the belief that there’s something wrong with them, and are left feel broken, powerless, small, fearful and insignificant.

And the crazy thing is.. the very thing that would turn this whole story upside down is right here.
Right under your skin.
Running in your veins.
Speaking through the language of your body.
Perfectly alive and well.

Your unique, vibrant, spectacular, powerful, awkward and passion filled truth.

We live in a system that never was made for us to thrive.
It was made to make profit.
And the cost?
Our bodies, minds, souls and the earth.

Without recognizing that we are controlled by internalized limiting, societal conditioned believes - the very noise that keeps us in inaction - we will never be able to imagine, create and invent the future we deeply long for.


Want to

know more?

Here’s the plan:

Embodied Truth, starting October 21, is a 8-week inner embodiment group adventure, where you get to have me as your personal cheerleader and coach.
You will learn the tools that has brought me to feel like I’m finally prepared for this rollercoaster called life.
You’ll get weekly self pleasure practices, embodiment tools, clear action steps and live sessions, so that you can start living the life you want to be living today.

You’ll get plenty of time to implement and integrate what you learn, and do it in the company of a small group on the same path as you <3

(I seem to have a super power in attracting the coolest people as my clients, not sure how it happens, but it does!)

Here’s what you’ll learn

The power of self pleasure!

• Establishing a conscious self pleasure practice is the most powerful tool I know to love & speed up your healing process, nourish your nervous-system and reprogram deeply rooted patterns and belief systems in your body. We’ll speak about orgasms, tantra, breath, sound, movement, tips and tricks and you’ll get to know your body and how to pleasure yourself to freedom <3

Emotional agency

• You’ll receive somatic tools to know how to meet, express and let your feelings move through you instead of getting stuck in your system.
This is such a revelatory realization. Feeling need to be felt, we all know that, but how do you do it? And how to not get caught up in stories along the way? We’ll slow it down and I’ll show you a way

Befriending your shadows

• We're not here for the "Love and Light" stuff. You know that right? To become a true leader you must not shy away from dark topics that most people would rather avoid — both personal, and of the larger world. We will meet the hard stuff because in your shadow lies your greatest gift

Inner Child Work

• We are going to learn what our inner children desperately are trying to tell us, how to recognize and creating a new relationship. Uplevel your self love practice and learn how to reparent yourself

Get clear on what your truth is and how it feels like

• If you don’t know how your truth feels like or what it means to you, how on earth can you go out and spread your magic? As we get to know ourselves and know where and how we can shine, we allow others to shine too

The power of slowing it down

• We are going to explore why this is one of the most powerful tools in sex, intimacy and pleasure
We’re gonna explore how to give ourselves some more space, permission and surrender and why this is an act of rebellion

8 whole weeks of embodying the shit out of all of these.
With me as your mentor + cheerleader.

Ready to gift yourself some tools for life?

a soft revolution

where your aliveness is the compass and pleasure your birth right

My approach

I have no smaller ambition with my work than to help people start living, acting and creating from their unique truth, so that we can create a better world for all.

I am a somatic coach, which means that I help people come back into their bodies, release unconscious blockages and create space for their super powers to shine.

I am trained in somatic healing, sacred sexuality, meditation, breath work, tantric sex, yoga and creative arts. I am a teacher, a space holder and artist, and what I do no matter what I do, is to create spaces for people to remember that they are the healer, lover, leader and person they’ve been waiting for.

In this extensive 8 week course we will dive into our inner worlds to release blockages, limiting believes, negative thought patterns and stuck emotions that are keeping you from living your truth.
You will learn how to listen your body’s signals and start taking aligned action where your joy, pleasure and truth is in the center.

Each group session is an intentional ritual space, where we focus on embodiment and group coaching. A powerful space for you to heal your past and claim your future while being witnessed in community.

This journey is not about managing symptoms but about initiating you into trusting, believing and daring to live a life where you feel safe to feel your feelings, speak your truth, open into pleasure and move courageously forward in alignment with your highest self.

Module 1
opening and intentions

Opening the ritual space, meeting the group and getting clear on what you came here to do

What do you Desire?

Speaking your desires into exsitence, establishing a pleasure practice and taking radical responsibility for your life

Module 3
In you shadow lies your greatest gift

Learn how to meet, embody and integrate your shadows and see them as teachers to bring you closer to your truth

MODule 4
The inner child

Embracing your inner child, rewriting stories and learn the skill of reparenting yourself

module 7
expansion into truth & living an orgasmic life

How we do orgasm is a perfect analogy to how we do life. A deep dive into inner balance and trust

module 5
Emotional agency

Get clear on your stories around speaking and sharing your emotions and learn how to use them as fuel to your aliveness

module 8
Celebration and integration

Sex magic, bragging and claiming your future!!

module 6
Rest is resistance

Making space for rest, softness, slowness and the art of a pleasure filled life

call times and dates

  • Week 1 - Tuesday 18th June 2024, 7pm CET
    & Thursday 20th June 2024 , 7 pm CET

  • Week 2 - Thursday 27th June 2024, 7pm CET

  • Week 3 - Thursday 4th June 2024, 7pm CET

  • Week 4 - Thursday 11th July 2024, 7pm CET

  • Week 5 - Thursday 18th July 2024, 7pm CET


  • Week 6 - Thursday 1st August 2024, 7pm CET

  • Week 7 - Thursday 8th August 2024, 7pm CET

  • Week 8 - Thursday 15th August 2024, 7 pm CET

WHat is included?

8 x Weekly Live Session with hot-seat coaching, sharing and embodiment practices in community
This is the heart of the program, so please make sure you are showing up for these powerful session every Thursday at 19.00 CET.
A chance to witness your fellow truth explorers in their challenges, wins and revelations, and for you to be seen in your process.

Even though I encourage you to come to all the live calls, all will be
recorded and if you have to miss out, you’ll have the opportunity to catch the replay in your own time <3

A comprehensive 8 week journey in community
with practices to keep you engaged with the material and a community for you to stay accountable

8 audio files with guided self pleasure practices
Crafted by me to support your embodiment journey to help you integrate and explore the weekly topic in your own body

Weekly journalling prompts to expand and explore your mind
In our embodiment journey the mind also plays an important role - get clear on what your stories are, what you want and practice putting your truth into words

Weekly, clear action steps and intentions to help you integrate your discoveries in your daily life
This is a course where you are highly encouraged to bring what you’ve discovered into action TODAY. We are here to learn how it feels to be in our truth, and with the weekly actions you’re held by the hand as you explore how this feels like out in the world. As a part of an amazing group of people, you will be supported, celebrated and held every step on the way

Professional Guidance and Coaching on Your Healing Journey
Receive coaching and support on your personal journey by me and witness your fellow truth explorers in their processes.

A private Telegram chat
A place for us to stay connected between sessions, support and celebrate each other & build community

Your investment

777 € 488 €

As this is the maiden voyage of Embodied Truth, I have decided to offer a discount for the first brave souls embarking on this journey with me.
Thank you for your trust, I never take it for granted

I don’t believe in FOMO

I believe in you knowing when the timing is right for you to receive coaching, and trust your intuition and knowing if this is for you or not.

Nothing needs to happen right now. I honor your tempo and look forward to hear from you when you feel ready to commit and dive in

Hi dear one

I’m Siri, and i am so happy you are here!

The time is ripe for each and one of us to become the leader who takes radical responsibility for their emotional past and future

I am here for you who believe in a different world, who dare to imagine an alternative and are brave enough to take the first steps towards it. I am here to remind you to take care of yourself on the way, and to help you understand that your inner world is your biggest power.

The time is ripe for each and one of us to become the leader who takes radical responsibility for their emotional past and future. The leader who knows how to express, feel and communicate their boundaries and feelings, and makes a daily commitment to cultivate their light.
We are ready for leaders to lead from their passion, turn on and softness so that we can create a more regenerative, loving and beautiful world.

my training

I got my 700 h coaching education as a Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. I’m trained in practices from ancient traditions like tantra & taoism, mixed with trauma informed modern coaching. Today I offer 1:1 somatic coaching sessions and group containers where we work from the inside out.

I am also a yoga teacher, musician and womb circle facilitator, and I love creating sacred spaces for movement, healing and connection! It is truly a blessing to get to meet my people in so many different contexts, sharing my truth in all its various forms.

what led me here?

I have as long as I can remember felt the drive towards living and creating an alternative to the destruction of our earth. It took me a long time to realize that I was repeating the same destructive patterns within myself.

I used to live in a way that exhausted, depleted, numbed and disconnected me. And as it often goes - in 2019, it totally burned me out.
As I found myself lying in a dark room, I realized that my only value was through doing, being busy and ‘succesful’.

My body needed rest, slowness and time and my high speed, performative doer identity was highly challenged. I was forced to change tactics.

This turning point came as I was finishing my masters degree in Music Performance, and led me on a path of self discovery. It led me to yoga, meditation, sacred sexuality, womb work and cyclic, regenerative living.

I believe that we all carry a unique key that is deeply needed. A key that is fully unique to you, and an essential piece of the puzzle to unlock the highest potential of this world.

I am here to help you find it, and I cannot wait to see you shine


Somatic coaching

As a somatic sexuality coach I am devoted to bring people back into touch with their truth through the wisdom of their bodies.

I am not here to fix you, because nothing needs to be fixed. No matter what happened, whatever you might have heard, no matter what stories you might be telling yourself
- you, my dear, are not broken.

We live in a world that does its best to numb, distract and
pacify us and I believe you found your way here because you know that there must be more to life than this. Deep down, you know that you connecting with your body, pleasure, emotions and aliveness, is an act of rebellion and a necessity moving forward.

I am here to create a safe enough space for you to truly listen and learn how to decode the messages of your spectacular body.
What do you really want?

We live in a time of disconnection, distraction and over consumption. My work is to guide you back to you. So that you can reclaim your sovereign power and regain the choice over your own life

The world is ripe for change. And it starts with you and me taking a breath into our bodies. Listening for what is alive, processing, releasing and choosing to create a path that feels true to us. Remembering what we came here to do.
It’s starts within our bodies, right here, right now.

Welcome brave one, can’t wait to get to know your your unique, magnificent, awkward, fantastic self.

THIS is an inclusive space

My coaching containers are an all gender, trans, non binary, queer, disability, neurodivergent, every body type, and every social background inclusive space.
I am committed to create a safe as possible space for BIPOC people.

It is of utmost importance to me that you feel met and heard when considering committing to a coaching journey with me.

If you have questions, or comments on how I could do better in terms of inclusivity, you are very welcome to write me and I’ll gladly hop on a call with you.