sacred sexuality coaching

Because you know there is more to life

ready to start living a life from the inside out?

Somatic Coaching

Again and again I find myself blown away by the wisdom of our bodies, and the power that emerges when we take the time to tune in and listen.

In somatic coaching we dive into the unconscious networks, and use tools like breath work, meditation, embodiment practices and energy work to integrate and release thought patterns and belief systems standing in the way of you living your most authentic life
My sessions are a mixture of talk therapy and embodiment practices, and I’ll give you homework for you to implement into your life between sessions and for you to keep for the rest of your life.

I will teach you things like breath work for your sexuality, inner child healing to release blockages for love, meditations for calming the nervous system and embodiment practices so that you can reconnect and live a life from the inside out.
By giving you practical tools and practices, I help you take action and deeply support you as you embark on the path towards more aliveness, pleasure and expansion.


I’m Siri and I am an educated somatic Sacred Sexuality coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. I help people reconnect with their bodies & sexuality, pleasure & power.

Through the VITA method, I teach a combination of mystical practices from tantra and the taoist tradition like breath work, meditation and energy activation, combined with up to date modern somatic healing tools for transformation.

My work is trauma informed, pleasure oriented and I am devoted to create a safe container where my clients nervous system, core desires and unique truth can blossom.

My biggest pleasure is to guide people back in touch with their power, because I got to tell you, we are fucking powerful. I believe each and every one of us holds a key in making this world a more beautiful place, and that this key is in your essence.

Through working with the unconscious networks and integrating whatever stands in the way of your essence to shine, somatic coaching gives you hands on tools to tranform your life.

I celebrate you for being here, brave one!

Through these teachings you will learn how to

  • Understand, love and connect with your body as sacred space of wisdom and magic

  • Using your sexuality as a fuel for transformation

  • Radically liberating your most authentic self by healing wounds and clearing conditioning

  • Opening up your body to experience more pleasure, deep intimacy and fulfilling relationships

  • Heal sexual trauma, conditioning and stories


  • A super safe and professionally held container with full confidentiality

  • Custom homework which sometimes means I'm creating custom audio and/or PDF practices for you which you get to download and keep forever

  • A mix of talk therapy and embodiment practices - we’ll work with the whole body, nervous system and the unconscious networks to transform the issues at the root

  • Holistic tools like breath work, meditation, embodiment practices, inner child work, ritual space, pleasure practices, energy work, sounding and movement.

This is for you who

  • Want to reconnect to your body, sexuality, spirituality, sensuality and embodied power

  • Feel overwhelmed by life & are ready to get clear on your desires and goals

  • Are curious to learn about tantra, taoism, sacred sexuality and how to connect to your life force energy

  • Want to release old patterning and limiting beliefs around sexuality, self love and body

  • Are ready to take action to step into your unique truth

what my clients are saying

Monica (65)

“The coaching was like being held in my mother's arms as a child. I felt safe and cherished. I would definitely recommend this to others”

Marie (44)

“I learned to tap in to the inner wisdom of my body and consciousness and use it as a tool for transformation, connecting to the root of my programming and recieving tools to move on”

Shaya (28)

“Siri is an amazing coach that holds a deep, safe and loving container for growth.

She supported me to connect with my own truth and find my magic from within.

I love her deep intuition, how she understands me with so much compassion and this with the combination of her amazing tools - is awesome. Highly recommend!”

tailored to you

I offer coaching packages from a minimum of 5 sessions and you can work with me from anywhere in the world. Our sessions are online via video meetings which allows you to be in the safety and comfort of your home and bedroom.

I’ll take your through mind provoking coaching conversations, guide you through embodiment practices like meditation, energy and breath work and tailor make homework that support your sexual, spiritual and emotional growth.

The sessions can be held in English, Danish or Norwegian.

sacred sexuality

I am trained in a coaching methodology which is based on the ancient spiritual traditions of tantra and taoism - which both views sexuality as a integrative and natural part of our human experience.

Many spiritual traditions neglect sexuality as a part of our sacred humanity, wheras tantra and the taoist tradition see it as a integral part of life, and a huge potential for healing, connection and aliveness.

For me personally, these teachings keeps bringing me home to my body, my heart and this world. As e forever changing beings, and these tools gives a way to come back, check in, and live a in touch with life itself.
always coming back to the sacredness of my body, the present moment and in touch with life itself.

Why focus on sexuality?

Our sexuality, is in my experience, part of the core of who we are. It is a source of energy, pleasure, raw expression and a high way ticket to speed up your transformation.

this is an inclusive space

My space is a trans, non binary, queer, disability, neurodivergent, every body type, and every social background inclusive space.

I am committed to create a safe as possible space for BIPOC people.

I am always curious to learn, grow and expand my knowledge, so if you have feedback or suggestions on how I can make it more inclusive and welcoming for all, you are welcome to write me!

about ME 

I am a 700hr VITA™ certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach from The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, a yoga teacher, creative artist and a Womb Circle Facilitator

I have gone from burn out to living a grounded, balanced and joyful life where my passion, playfulness and love is in the centre.

I love walking side by side with people as they meet their shadows and remember their inner light.

I don’t believe in fomo

I believe in you knowing when the timing is right for you to receive coaching, and I trust your intuition and knowing if this is for you or not.

Nothing needs to happen right now. I honor your tempo and look forward to hear from you when you feel ready to commit and dive in